Contact us

We are a fully online business, Javier and Abby are always on the road making your deliveries, or attending the warehouse so the easiest way to reach us is via email!

Abby & Javier:

0490 930 749
0452 274 608


  • To make an order over the phone contact us through:

    Javier & Abby

    0490 930 749
    0452 274 608


  • For trade enquiries contact:

    We collaborate, and custom make furniture for small and large retail stores, designers, and projects. 

    Our team fully custom makes orders in a curated selection of materials. 

    All our furniture is commercial grade, including all our household designs. 

    We have been collaborating and manufacturing for multiple retail stores, designers, and resorts abound the world and in Australia for over 30 years.

    Please feel free to get in touch with Abby, and she will be more than happy to discuss manufacturing opportunities for your project or business. 

    0490 930 749

  • Office/Warehouse location (under appointment only):
    377 Bayswater Road, Warehouse 6, Bayswater North 3153, VIC Australia

    Opening hours (under appointment only):
    Monday to Friday
    9:00 am to 5:30 pm


