Maybe you're one of the many Australians spending money on home renovations. Perhaps you're looking for a quality chair for your new work-from-home office.

Either way, you need to know what you're doing when purchasing ready-made or custom-made furniture.

Solid wood ready-made or designer furniture is made to last, so it's essential to research and find reputable makers and sellers. It might be pricier than your average flat-pack options made from low-quality materials, but it's worth the dollars for the many benefits it provides.

Are you ready to learn more about what to look for when shopping for wooden furniture—ready or custom-made? Then, read on!


Advantages of Ready-Made Wooden Furniture

Pre-assembled wooden furniture is great for any home. It's affordable and convenient, and there are many styles to choose from.


Most ready-made furniture is mass-produced. This allows companies to take advantage of economies of scale.

They pass these materials and manufacturing savings onto the customer. You also find more furniture made from cheaper materials like engineered wood, particle board, or laminate.

Ready-made furniture is also rarely customizable. The reason it's more affordable is that you're buying it "off-the-shelf" or as-is. It's also a highly competitive industry.

This keeps prices lower generally. You also might be able to take advantage of offers like price matching to reduce the purchase price even further.


Like handcrafted furniture, ready-made furniture requires minimal to no assembly. It can be used immediately—the minute it arrives at your home. If you buy from a store, you can most likely take it home that day if you have the necessary transport or get it delivered to your house quickly.

What's more, a wide range of stores carries ready-made furniture—from department stores to malls to hardware stores.

Wide Range of Options

There's so much ready-made furniture from factories. You can almost guarantee you'll find something in the style you need. This is especially true if you're looking for on-trend furniture or classic items that always stay in style.

In the same way, you can find a piece that will fit your current furniture layout. You'll have to spend some time checking measurements, though!


Advantages of Custom-Made Wooden Furniture

Custom-made wooden furniture typically has a higher price tag than its ready-made counterparts. However, it boasts several attractive rewards to justify the outlay.


A crucial benefit of custom-made furniture is its level of personalization. Place an order with a custom furniture maker. You work with the manufacturer or craftsman to design and build a piece. It's guaranteed to meet your specific needs and preferences.

Essentially, you have complete control over how you want your new table, chair, or stool to look.

Precision Fit

Are you outfitting an older home (especially a historic home)? You might encounter uneven walls, sloping ceilings, or quirky nooks. These unique spaces require equally impressive furniture.

Custom-made furniture offers you control over the size and shape of the piece, ensuring a perfect fit. You can also design items to fit around existing architectural elements. For example, think of built-in shelving or fireplaces. Your custom furniture will look like it's always been there!


Custom-made wooden furniture is typically more durable than ready-made furniture. This is because it's built to exact specifications from higher-quality materials. For example, it's often constructed using thicker, sturdier materials, such as tropical hardwoods.

Moreover, it's often assembled by hand using traditional carpentry techniques. That includes dovetails or mortise and tenon joints. These provide strength and beauty.


Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Ready-Made and Custom-Made Furniture

Choosing the right wooden home furniture can be challenging. You need to consider factors like budget, space, and style carefully. You might get your research wrong, be out of pocket, and be stuck with an inappropriate piece.


At first glance, ready-made furniture seems the more budget-friendly option. It sells at a lower price point because it's mass-produced. However, custom-made furniture lasts longer because it's well-built and made from quality materials. So, while it's a more expensive up-front cost, the initial investment reduces significantly with time.

Space Requirements

Custom-made furniture in Australia is popular because we have a decent number of heritage homes. In addition, Australians care about their interior design and want pieces that fit their spaces like a glove.

Handmade pieces have a distinct advantage over ready-made furniture because they can be made to your specifications and in materials that suit your existing (or planned-for) decor.

Style Preferences

When crafting the right room atmosphere, few factors beat the addition of a unique piece of custom furniture. And that's because you control every element, from design to materials to finish.

Ready-made wooden furniture rarely—if ever—offers the same bespoke experience.


How to Choose the Right Provider for Custom-Made Furniture

When deciding between custom-made and ready-made furniture for your home, you need to consider the manufacturer or seller. But how do you find a reputable company?

Experience and Reputation

First, look for a proven track record in furniture design.

For example, Larkwood Furniture has over 30 years of experience in the custom-furniture market. This means they know almost everything there is to know about the industry and can draw on this knowledge to help customers choose the right materials, style, and fit for their needs.

Quality of Materials

A reputable maker crafts their new furniture from high-quality materials. This could include:

  • Solid wood—with consistent grain pattern and colour
  • Premium-grade veneers
  • Durable hardware

The resulting furniture is sturdy, long-lasting, and can withstand daily wear and tear. It's also typically more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Communication and Collaboration

You must be able to community effectively with the furniture seller or maker.

They should discuss your style preferences, specific needs, and any design constraints enthusiastically and professionally. They should provide transparent pricing and approval, and delivery timelines.


Embracing Custom-Made Furniture for Your Home

Choosing furniture can be challenging, especially if you're a client who values longevity as much as style. You need items that look great in your home (or future homes) for years to come. That's why wooden furniture, whether ready-made or custom-made, is the right option for you.

Donald Lang, the founder of Larkwood Furniture, has been crafting custom-made furniture for homes and hospitality since 1988. Our products are handmade in Indonesia from ethically sourced wood and materials. We specialise in everything from French Modernist furniture to timeless Larkwood classics like our natural woven Urban Cocktail Chair.

Visit our website to start furniture shopping today!

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